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What Is A White Collar Crime? -

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What Is A White Collar Crime?


When one thinks of white collar crimes, they often envision men in suits making loads of money, but that is not always the case. You may actually be surprised to find out the many types of crime that fall under the white collar umbrella. With movies like The American Hustle making a splash in the media, one may even think white collar crime is an alluring concept.
Fraud is the most common denominator in any white collar crime, as deception and manipulation are necessary elements in this type of case. Types of fraud cases include:
– Securities fraud- The most widely known type of securities fraud is insider trading, which is when a company or stock broker passes on confidential information about the company to a possible or current investor.
– Insurance fraud- Some common cases include people receiving Medicaid benefits when they are not entitled to them. This can be done by omitting vital income information, making it seem as though you are financially unable to pay for insurance.
– Mortgage fraud- This can occur when a loan officer knowingly withholds information that would ensure that a loan application is denied.

White Collar crime can even include those spam e-mails that ask you to claim money from an African prince or missed inheritance. All types of larceny fall under White Collar crimes and they carry very severe punishment.